School Operations
During an assembly, all students are to sit in their assigned areas with their class. Handclapping is the only form of applause which is to be used. Students are not to leave the assembly area until they have been properly dismissed. Students who do not demonstrate appropriate behavior during assemblies or auditorium programs will not be allowed to attend future events.
Breakfast/Lunch Program
Please see District Policy information on our website ~
When students ride their bicycles to school they should use the bike rack on the south side of the school building. It is recommended that a bike lock be used. Students are required to walk their bike on school property and use the crosswalks when crossing the street. Bicycles are not allowed in the bus lane area due to safety concerns. NO BICYCLE RIDING IS PERMITTED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS DURING SCHOOL HOURS.
Skateboards are not permitted on school grounds.
Dropping Off/Picking Up Students
Please drop the students off on the playground side (north side) of the building. Students who arrive on early buses will be supervised by school personnel. Students should not arrive at school before 7:15 a.m. If a student must arrive early due to special circumstances, parents are asked to contact the school. Students will enter through the north and south entrance doors. In case of inclement weather, the gym doors will be open.
Leaving School Grounds
If a student must leave the campus anytime during school hours, including lunch, the parent/guardian must go to the office and sign out the student. If a student does not sign out, regardless of if the absence is excused by the parent/guardian, the absence will be counted as Page 16 unexcused. Parents are encouraged to sign students out during non-academic time (lunch or specials classes) whenever possible. It is the student’s responsibility to check with teachers to get the work they will be missing.
Student Lockers
Lockers are provided for the storage of student’s books and other equipment needed in school; no radios, stereos, etc., are to be kept in the lockers. In order to ensure protection of your property it is necessary that the student must keep his/her locker combination private. Each student is responsible for the care of the locker assigned to him or her. Students may not keep their belongings in any other locker. Valuables should not be left in lockers! The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Lockers are leased by the student and are the property of the school. Lockers may be subject to examination by school personnel at any time. Damage to lockers will be reimbursed to the school as such occurs or at the end of the school. Please, no rolling backpacks, as they do not fit into the lockers.
The school personnel recommend students periodically clean their lockers to eliminate excess attire and papers.
Personal Belongings
It is unwise for students to have extra money at school or items of personal and sentimental value. All designated school money collections are conducted the first thing in the morning. Excess money in the possession of students can create unnecessary problems. Radios, tape recorders, headsets, electronic games, pagers, cell phones, skateboards, roller blades, gum, balls, and toys are not permitted at school. The school is not responsible for the recovery of money or personal items which do not belong at school.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found articles are taken to the Lost and Found Box, smaller items to the school office. Students should check there periodically for lost items. Parents are asked to please have clothing and other possessions labeled to avoid delay in their return. All lost and found items are turned over monthly and annually to a charity.
Library Media
Our library media program offers a rich collection of award-winning books, videos, CD-ROMs, magazines, and other reference materials that support the curriculum and personal interests of the students. Emphasis is placed on helping our students to become information literate as well as instilling an appreciation for good books.
Student Textbooks/School Property
When cases of misuse or mistreatment of books occur, students will be assessed a fine. Students are to pay replacement costs for lost books. We urge students to exercise care in handling their books. We recommend that all textbooks are to be covered with paper. Please contact the office regarding the loss of textbooks, library books, workbooks, musical instruments, music or other items belonging to the school. A replacement fee will be charged, if lost. In the event of damaged property, a repair fee may be required.
Candy, Gum, Snacks
Due to gum being found on carpet, lunch trays and tables students are not permitted to chew, eat, and distribute gum, candy, sunflower seeds, pop, and other similar items. This is an effort to keep carpets, furniture, lockers, and facilities presentable and clean. Items in possession by students may be confiscated by staff. Teachers may permit students to have such items for special classroom activities.