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Disciplinary Actions


Because we believe it is important to maintain a non-threatening, safe learning environment, students will not be allowed to:

  1. Commit any act or use any speech, either verbal or nonverbal (gestures, handshakes, etc.) showing membership in or affiliation in a gang.
  2. Use any speech or commit any act that shows any interest in gangs or gang activity – this includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Soliciting others for membership in any gangs
    2. Requesting any person to pay for “protection” or otherwise intimidating or threatening any person
    3. Commit any illegal act or violation of school district policies
    4. Talk another person into hurting another classmate 
  3. Carry or use any laser pointer or any other laser device
  4. Display any tattoos, brands and carvings on school property
  5. Display any body piercing while on school property or at school events. Exotic body piercing is considered to be piercing of any body part other than the ear. Pierced ears may be restricted if they become disruptive to the educational environment or a matter of safety.

In-School Suspension

In-school suspension is the temporary exclusion of a student from the classroom and all school activities. During the period of his/her suspension, the student is not allowed to participate in any school activities, school functions, or participate in the regular classroom. During the school day, the student will be detained in the office.

Suspension/Expulsion from School

Please see District Policy information on our website ~

Bad Weather Consideration

Please see District Policy information on our website ~