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Baker Bulldog November Newsletter
Boletín de noviembre de Baker Bulldog
Baker Bulldog Newsletter November 2024
11/3 Daylight Savings Ends and Clocks fall back one hour
11/7 5th grade Field Trip
11/20 PTO, Library 3:40 pm
11/25—29 Thanksgiving Break
12/24—-1/3 Winter Break
1/7/25 Back to school on Tuesday
Mobile Food Pantry
No requirements, open to all
Every Saturday 10 am-12 pm
1st Saturday—Pagel’s
2nd Saturday—Log Lane
3rd Saturday—Landmark
4th Saturday—Gateway Apt’s
- Check Lost & Found often for missing items!
- Students are allowed in the building at 7:15 Am for breakfast and supervision is provided on the playground at this time.
- 7:35 1st Bell Rings
- 7:45 Start Bell
- 7:45 Considered tardy
- 3:30 School day ends
- Colder weather is here, so dress student warmly, we are outside if temp feels like 20 or above; please bring a warm coat, hat, gloves, warm shoes or boots, etc. so student is warm enough.
It is the school district’s policy that anyone attending a field trip or meeting your student at a field trip needs to complete a Back Ground Check ahead of time in the school office. Each teacher sends home a permission slip to be filled out and the opportunity to check if your student would like a school lunch that day. It is important to have these things completed before the field trip so everything is ready to go! The kitchen needs to know how many lunches are needed so they can prepare for the correct number that day. Thanks for your help!